‘Putting Childlessness on the Workplace Agenda’

‘Putting Childlessness on the Workplace Agenda’ In this episode, I am speaking with Dr Krystal Wilkinson and Dr Robin Hadley around the topic of childlessness in the workplace and the absent narratives which need to be addressed. We discuss the fact that being childless not by choice is a stigmatised and taboo subject in the workplace […]
‘Men and the impact of childlessness’

‘Men and the impact of childlessness’ Key points of the episode: ‘who inspired him growing up. The atmosphere in the house while growing up. The job he did for years, then retrained. Statistics (and the lack of for men) on childless people. A possible link to male health and well being. Future implications for men. […]
West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Advisory Network webinar series: ‘Male childlessness and suicide risk.’

‘Male childlessness and suicide risk’ Dr Robin Hadley, researcher and author, explores the impact of childlessness on men’s mental health and suicide risk. YouTube video of PowerPoint presentation for the West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Advisory Network (SPAN),
Angela Walker in conversation with… Dr Robin Hadley. Angela explores ‘Childless Men: On the sorrow and disenfranchisement of men with no children’

Angela Walker in conversation with… Dr Robin Hadley. ‘CHILDLESS MEN: Dr Robin Hadley on the sorrow and disenfranchisement of men with no children’ Why do we never talk about involuntary male childlessness? A quarter of men do not have children and for many of them this is not through choice. Join me as I sit […]
Podcasts and YouTube listing

Listing of all my podcast and YouTube interviews.