West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Advisory Network webinar series: ‘Male childlessness and suicide risk.’
‘Male childlessness and suicide risk’ Dr Robin Hadley, researcher and author, explores the impact of childlessness on men’s mental health and suicide risk. YouTube video of PowerPoint presentation for the West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Advisory Network (SPAN),
The ‘F Word at Work’ podcast : World Childless Week matters and here’s why
World Childless Week matters and here’s why The latest episode of ‘The F Word at Work’ marks World Childless Week 2023 and in this conversation you’ll be hearing firstly from our expert speaker, Katy Schnitzler founder of MIST Workshops about the research she’s been doing around the childless community and the conversations we’ve been facilitating […]
Angela Walker in conversation with… Dr Robin Hadley. Angela explores ‘Childless Men: On the sorrow and disenfranchisement of men with no children’
Angela Walker in conversation with… Dr Robin Hadley. ‘CHILDLESS MEN: Dr Robin Hadley on the sorrow and disenfranchisement of men with no children’ Why do we never talk about involuntary male childlessness? A quarter of men do not have children and for many of them this is not through choice. Join me as I sit […]
‘The Experience & Impact of Male Involuntary Childlessness’
Live interview with Christine Erickson, host of New Legacy Radio, New Legacy Institute. Broadcast on VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network.