More To Life (MTL) Webinar on YouTube. ‘Me and the MAWFIA: Men Ageing Without Families: Invisible and Alienated’.

Topics covered include ‘male broodiness’ ‘male involuntary childlessness', the factors that impact on childlessness and why men struggle to talk about their emotions.

YouTube video of Webinar for More To Life (part of Fertility Network UK): Me and the MAWFIA: Men Ageing Without Families: Invisible and Alienated.’

In this webinar, I was contacted by More To Life and invited to talk about my own experience of ‘male broodiness’ and ‘involuntary/mediated’ childlessness. I was asked to discuss my research on ‘male involuntary childlessness.’ I explore the different factors that impact on childlessness and address why men find it difficult to talk about their emotions. More To Life is part of the Fertility Network UK and offers help and support to those childless-by-circumstance. 

23rd January 2019