The Miss Amanda Chen Shoβ€ͺw. 100 Masked Man #40: the Childless Man

Miss Amanda Chen anonymously interviews different men from all walks of life about gender roles, expectations from society and how that affects our self worth.

Miss Amanda Chen writes, ‘Masked Man #40 is the Childless Man. It’s interesting how little we talk about a man’s role in bearing children. I found a man who was involuntarily childless, who was jealous of other fathers in his peer group. And that comes at such a different space than with women trying to juggle motherhood and a career. I learn so much in this conversation, from a man from a completely different generation. And I wonder how much history will repeat itself. I hope you enjoy the show:’

In the 100 Masked Men series, Miss Amanda Chen anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about gender roles, expectations from society and how that affects our self worth.

Topics covered include how male broodiness, class, upbringing, economics, partner choice and behaviour impact on circumstantial childlessness.

24th March 2021