DadPodUK: The Involuntarily Childless Man

Episode 6 of the DadPodUK podcast, “It’s a source of sadness that I’m not a dad.”

The Involuntarily Childless Man

In this DadPodUK podcast I was interviewed by John Adams about my  personal experience of wanting to be a dad and not becoming one and my academic work on the impact of involuntary male childlessness over the life course.

In his podcast notes  John writes, “One of the myths is that women are broody and men aren’t bothered.” So says Dr Robin Hadley, a man who always wanted kids…but has accepted he will never be a father. This is the only podcast interview I have conducted with a man without children. I wanted to explore what it is like being a childless man in a world that pretty much expects you to procreate. Robin spoke movingly and candidly about his circumstances about the insensitive remarks he and others have tolerated and how he deals with sensitive times of year such as Christmas and Father’s Day.

This is a very touching and moving interview with someone who has a very personal story to tell. It’s also an area of academic study for Robin so he talks about it in both a personal and professional capacity.’

8th January 2021